AnniversaryM S Swaminathan On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Bengal Famine, Parliament is likely to pass the National Food Security Bill which will be the world’s largest social protection measure against hunger. – M S Swaminathan Anniversary Quotes Bengal Quotes Famine Quotes Food Quotes Hunger Quotes Largest Quotes Measure Quotes National Quotes Occasion Quotes Parliament Quotes Pass Quotes Protection Quotes Security Quotes Social Quotes Worlds Quotes My husband and I went to Venice, Italy, for our first-year anniversary and spent a day on the Island of Burano. There, we had lunch at the famed Trattoria al Gatto Nero da Ruggero – one of the most incredible meals of our lives. It definitely wasn’t like, ‘Hey, I’m going to steal that, and nobody’s going to know.’ The original ‘T.R.O.Y.’ came out in 1992, and it was like a 20th anniversary kind of thing. All of those intentions were there for it to be resurrecting a classic for a new generation. I tried to honor it.
Jane O'Meara Sanders What Trump is doing is a lot more than just talking, tweets. He is rolling back regulations, standards, destroying lives. This has to be stopped. – Jane O’Meara Sanders
IntelligenceMichel Foucault The problem of Islam as a political force is an essential one for our time and for the years to come, and we cannot approach it with a modicum of intelligence if we start out from a position of hatred. – Michel Foucault
Catherine Cortez-Masto I’ve come to realize that, basically all my bosses and supervisors throughout my career have been male. And I’ve had great experiences, but it’s made me appreciate the importance of diversity and inclusion. – Catherine Cortez-Masto
Matt Riddle I’m always learning, always trying new things, because you have to to stay fresh. – Matt Riddle
David Malpass While Washington pays lip service to the challenges facing small businesses, it repeatedly chooses its own expansion over results. In effect, government has become a huge silent partner in all businesses, often taking a majority of the profits and forcing many unprofitable business decisions without the risk that it will be fired. – David Malpass
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