Paul Craig Roberts Once a country descends into evil, it doesn’t emerge. – Paul Craig Roberts Country Quotes Descends Quotes Emerge Quotes Evil Quotes Clearly America is exceptional in its immorality, lack of human compassion, and disrespect for law and its founding document. In the Matrix in which Americans live, nothing is ever their fault.
Lauren Shuler Donner I’ve been looking for an opportunity to break into the Chinese market due to its devoted and passionate audience and have found the perfect partner in Cristal Pictures. – Lauren Shuler Donner
ChangeWinston Churchill To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. – Winston Churchill
Fantasia Barrino I was very insecure growing up, and even though I’m not that girl anymore, I think that the passion, that not feeling pretty and being insecure, is where my soul came from. And from early childhood, I let it free onstage. – Fantasia Barrino
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