John C Calhoun Once established with Great Britain, it would not be difficult, with moderation and prudence, to establish permanent peace with the rest of the world, when our most sanguine hopes of prosperity may be realized. – John C Calhoun Britain Quotes Difficult Quotes Establish Quotes Established Quotes Hopes Quotes Moderation Quotes Peace Quotes Permanent Quotes Prosperity Quotes Prudence Quotes Realized Quotes Rest Quotes Sanguine Quotes Restore, without delay, the equilibrium between revenue and expenditures, which has done so much to destroy our credit and derange the whole fabric of government. If that should not be done, the government and country will be involved, ere long, in overwhelming difficulties. Let a durable and firm peace be established and this government be confined rigidly to the few great objects for which it was instituted, leaving the States to contend in generous rivalry to develop, by the arts of peace, their respective resources, and a scene of prosperity and happiness would follow, heretofore unequaled on the globe.
Steve Jurvetson Steve Jobs now rests with the sublime satisfaction of symbolic immortality. – Steve Jurvetson
David Denman So often, I think, in these relationship comedies, they don’t necessarily reflect the people that I know. They don’t reflect myself. – David Denman
David Hanson Nobody complains that Bernini’s sculptures are too darn real, right? Or that Norman Rockwell’s paintings are too creepy. Well, robots can seem real and be loved, too. We’re trying to make a new art medium out of robotics. – David Hanson
Barbara Sukowa We live in a world where we don’t really hear ideas. We just hear propaganda. That’s not just boring. It’s also very dangerous. – Barbara Sukowa
Sara Gilbert No, I feel like my personality probably influenced the character, more than the character influenced me. – Sara Gilbert
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