Davy Jones Once you get into something so big, people think of you in one way. – Davy Jones People Quotes I’m really a clean-cut kid. The Monkees changed my life but ruined my acting career.
Jean-Marc Vallee It can be a machine. The machine tries to make money and forget about the heart and the art. Hollywood is more about making money. – Jean-Marc Vallee
Chuck Liddell When it comes to damage, boxing will cause more damage than MMA ever will. – Chuck Liddell
AloneJeremy BenthamNature Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do. – Jeremy Bentham
George T Conway III It’s also not true that ‘abuse of power’ is not impeachable, or that a statutory crime is necessary for impeachment. – George T Conway III
Jen Sincero Being cool was always very important to me, but I decided to get rich, so I went for it. – Jen Sincero
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