Joel McHale Once you’ve been booked, people in Hollywood say, ‘Oh he must be good.’ All the while you’re the same actor. – Joel McHale Actor Quotes Booked Quotes Hollywood Quotes People Quotes Follow what your head is telling you and work hard. That’s the big secret. You have to have talent. You have to get the audition and then you have to nail the audition.
Snoh Aalegra I’m from Sweden, where it’s winter, like, half the year. And it’s dark – we barely have any daylight. – Snoh Aalegra
June Jordan The music of language became extremely important to me, and obvious to me. By the time I was seven I was writing myself. I was a poet. – June Jordan
Kaskade I love a great melody and wonderful lyrics that speak from the heart, and my music has that and speaks about it; but there’s just something that was really raw and energetic about the early House music. It’s hard to describe. It’s like you had to go to these parties where the stuff was being played on these huge sound systems to really feel it. – Kaskade
CoolSimon Spurr Even though it’s not a widely appreciated yarn, any suit made from a mohair-wool blend travels exceptionally well. The retention of the mohair fiber bounces back and minimizes any creasing that occurs whilst traveling. Mohair also breathes really well, keeping you cool or warm, and is therefore extremely versatile. – Simon Spurr
Richard Grenell Foreign aid should not be automatic. Countries should have to make their case every year, and American officials should openly decide what, if anything, to fund. – Richard Grenell
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