Isabelle Adjani One believes that if nothing happens, one disappears. That is not true. – Isabelle Adjani Believes Quotes Disappears Quotes TRUE Quotes We can’t forbid women from going to the beach because of a costume, even if it is rightly seen as neo-fundamentalist, backward, and shocking. I have a lot of friends in Paris, and I love to get away from home.
Steven Weinberg The most influential utopian idea of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was socialism, which has failed everywhere. Under the banner of socialism, Stalin’s U.S.S.R. and Mao’s China gave us not utopias but ghastly anti-utopias. – Steven Weinberg
AloneGreta Garbo I never said, ‘I want to be alone.’ I only said, ‘I want to be left alone.’ There is all the difference. – Greta Garbo
Michael Arrington I’m worried about privacy – the companies out there gathering data on us, the stuff we do on Twitter, the publicly scrapeable stuff on Facebook. It’s amazing how much data there is out there on us. I’m worried that it can be abused and will be abused. – Michael Arrington
Margaret Hoover Going into the 2012 election, I worried that without effectively connecting with the youth vote, the GOP risked losing the millennial generation for the rest of their lives. – Margaret Hoover
Brianna Wu Ordinarily, I develop videogames with female characters that aren’t girlfriends, bimbos and sidekicks. – Brianna Wu
Michael Haneke I never suffered from the absence of a father. On the contrary, as a child I was more inclined to see men as a disturbing factor. It made things difficult for me when I started working as a director. – Michael Haneke
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