Peter Carey One has to be able to twist and change and distort characters, play with them like clay, so everything fits together. Real people don’t permit you to do that. – Peter Carey Change Quotes Characters Quotes Clay Quotes Distort Quotes Fits Quotes People Quotes Permit Quotes Play Quotes Real Quotes Twist Quotes I’m always the one with the activist friends. I’ve been an activist very little. I never base characters on real people. There are people who do that but I really don’t know how to do it.
David Dellinger It’s my perception that more people are actively committed to human familyhood today, and to a holistic relationship with the natural universe, than at any other time in my 71 years. – David Dellinger
Steven Zaillian People who would go to an arthouse cinema and watch a Swedish movie and read subtitles… it’s a small percentage. – Steven Zaillian
Richard DeVos The Lord has a way of working in our lives, and sometimes he brings us down low to bring new values back to our life. – Richard DeVos
Guy Kawasaki Companies in Europe should stop trying to do the U.S. version of a European idea. – Guy Kawasaki
Rubi Rose There was a point in time where I wasn’t supposed to listen to music like that, drink caffeine and wear things that didn’t go past my knee. – Rubi Rose
Rhys Thomas I’m used to writing and performing my own material; doing someone else’s is refreshing. – Rhys Thomas
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