John Hull One important measurement issue concerns the fat tails problem that I mentioned earlier. VAR is concerned with extreme outcomes. If the tails of the probability distributions we are using are too thin, our VAR measures are likely to be too low. – John Hull Concerned Quotes Concerns Quotes Distributions Quotes Earlier Quotes Extreme Quotes Fat Quotes Issue Quotes Measurement Quotes Measures Quotes Mentioned Quotes Outcomes Quotes Probability Quotes Tails Quotes Var Quotes Our research led on to other things, such as the fact that exchange rates are not lognormally distributed. In the interest rate area, traders have for a long time used a version of what is known as Black’s model for European bond options; another version of the same model for caps and floors; and yet another version of the same model for European swap options.
Rory MacDonald One day I changed my cell phone number, but the guy at the UFC in charge of the music didn’t know. So he was texting that fan who had my old number, thinking it was me. The fan was selecting my music. – Rory MacDonald
AngerJonathan Majors I have a very high frequency of anger, and a very high frequency of sadness. – Jonathan Majors
Carl JungChange If there is anything that we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves. – Carl Jung
Anu Malik When I was working on the music of ‘Jaan-E-Mann’ and ‘Umrao Jaan,’ my father was hospitalised. I had to shuttle between hospital and studios. – Anu Malik
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