Kasper Schmeichel One of my biggest goals is to not be remembered as just a footballer. – Kasper Schmeichel Biggest Quotes Footballer Quotes Goals Quotes Remembered Quotes I first heard about Common Goal through Juan Mata and knew it was something I’d be interested in. One in 10 women will get breast cancer at some stage in their life and that’s quite a scary thought.
CoolZoe Kazan There’s something really earnest inside me all the time. It’s not a cool or fun way to be. Sometimes I would like to experience being someone who’s not wired the way I’m wired. – Zoe Kazan
Denis Napthine It’s absolutely essential that Melbourne, and Victoria, has a rail link to the airport. – Denis Napthine
Mary GauthierWork When you see validation for a life’s work and dedication, it’s a beautiful day. – Mary Gauthier
Kerby Jean-Raymond My dad used to give me old electrical equipment that didn’t work anymore, and I’d put things together. I think that’s why I like to mix things that don’t belong. – Kerby Jean-Raymond
Billy Eichner Our pop cultural likes and dislikes are still very segregated, and that is not true of ‘Billy on the Street.’ – Billy Eichner
Alana Haim Harry Styles added me on Twitter one day. His fans are the craziest fans I’ve ever encountered in my life – an hour later I got 5,000 followers. – Alana Haim
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