Karen Fukuhara One of my first interviews was Keira Knightley, Orlando Bloom, and Johnny Depp for ‘Pirates of the Caribbean.’ I was in eighth grade at the time, little teenybopper. I was so, so nervous. I just remember Johnny had an aura around him. – Karen Fukuhara Aura Quotes Bloom Quotes Caribbean Quotes Depp Quotes Eighth Quotes Grade Quotes Interviews Quotes Johnny Quotes Keira Quotes Knightley Quotes Nervous Quotes Orlando Quotes Pirates Quotes Remember Quotes Teenybopper Quotes Time Quotes The main issue when it comes to hiring someone from Asia is the language barrier. It’s difficult to book someone when they don’t speak the language and they can’t deliver the lines or even speak to the director. But in terms of Asian-American actresses, we all speak it fluently! I started karate in middle school when my parents wanted me to babysit my younger brother. He was a little troublemaker, so they wanted me to make sure the class was going okay. I ended up being way more into it than my brother.
Frank de Boer At Inter, we spent so much time dealing with politics, with agents. That took up 50 percent of my time, when it should have been 10 percent. – Frank de Boer
Robert McChesney When the government picked companies and gave them monopoly rights to frequencies in San Francisco and Los Angeles and New York and Chicago, it was picking the winners of the competition; it wasn’t setting the terms of the competition. – Robert McChesney
TruthVernon Howard Humanity appreciates truth about as much as a squirrel appreciates silver. – Vernon Howard
Ben Shahn I confess that Roy was a little bit dictatorial in his editing and he ruined quite a number of my pictures, which he stopped doing later. He used to punch a hole through a negative. Some of them were incredibly valuable. He didn’t understand at the time. – Ben Shahn
Schoolboy Q Habits & Contradictions’ is the prequel to ‘Setbacks.’ I had all these titles already in my head before I even dropped ’em. Like ‘Setbacks,’ I knew that was gone be the first one; I knew ‘Habits & Contradictions.’ I knew ‘Oxymoron.’ I got two more albums that I already have the title to it, and I know how I’ma play the theme off of it. – Schoolboy Q
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