Lee Hsien Loong One of the reasons America is welcome in Asia is because with America… there is a certain idealism and a certain bigness of soul. You want the region to prosper; you want countries to do well, and you are prepared to help them. – Lee Hsien Loong America Quotes Asia Quotes Bigness Quotes Countries Quotes Idealism Quotes Prepared Quotes Prosper Quotes Reasons Quotes Region Quotes Soul Quotes We want the U.S. to have constructive and stable relations with China. That makes it much easier for us. Then we don’t have to choose sides. The U.S. is not a claimant state in the South China Sea or in the China-Japan dispute over the Senkaku Islands. But, of course, the 7th Fleet has been a presence in the region since the Second World War, and it is the most powerful fleet in the region.
John C McGinley On ‘Platoon’ I was offered in 1984 a very tiny part that Ivan Kane would go on to play. Then the financing fell out, and the film was scuttled for two years. – John C McGinley
Annalee Newitz Reader was by far the most popular feed reader out there, and its user base had been in a steep decline for two years before Google decided to shut it down. – Annalee Newitz
Henry Mancini As a screen composer or film-music writer, I need something that I can work with in the body of the score. Like ‘Charade,’ ‘Moon River,’ ‘Wine and Roses,’ ‘Dear Heart’ – they were all just themes that grew out of the picture. – Henry Mancini
Grayson Perry I tick so many boxes. Thats why I get a lot of gigs – because I can do the lectures, I can do the television thing, and I dress up, and by the way, Im an artist as well. – Grayson Perry
Jonathan Brownlee I was almost expecting the Olympics to be the biggest thing ever, but it wasn’t. It was just another race. – Jonathan Brownlee
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