Nick Cummins One of the stories that inspires me is that it is documented that a honey badger killed a lion in a one-on-one. – Nick Cummins Badger Quotes Documented Quotes Honey Quotes Inspires Quotes Killed Quotes Lion Quotes Oneonone Quotes Stories Quotes Most people travel outside of Australia. They don’t realise what we’ve got. If you’re a single Sheila and you’re trying to find an Australian bloke, you duck off down there to Australia. You go to the Red Centre: you’ll find there’s a few shearers, a few stockmen, and there you will find an Australian bloke.
Brad Marchand I think playing with great players and great teams, I’ve been given opportunities to succeed. – Brad Marchand
Michael Huffington None of us are perfect, and we all make mistakes. But the American people are a very forgiving people. – Michael Huffington
CarPeter Frampton In 1978, I had a near-fatal car accident in the Bahamas. There was a point when I could have lost my right arm – but it was good because it forced me to slow down and take a break. – Peter Frampton
John Burnside The animal encounter poem is now so distinct a genre that it would be possible to create a full-length anthology from deer encounter poems alone, and many varieties of experience would emerge from such an exercise. – John Burnside
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