Frank Rijkaard One thing was crystal clear to me: if you’re centre-back, you first of all have to perform your task. – Frank Rijkaard Centreback Quotes Crystal Quotes Perform Quotes Task Quotes Losing against rivals is always a blow to the morale. As a young centre-back at Ajax, I played with Wim Jansen, and of course you learn a huge amount. I made some mistakes, because we Dutchmen want to solve situations by playing football. So we look at the ball, try to judge where it will come.
Husnu Ozyegin It’s important to do see the results of your philanthropy while you are alive. – Husnu Ozyegin
Carlos Beruff Growing up, we had to work. If you wanted anything at all that was more than basic food and shelter, you had to make your own money. – Carlos Beruff
Emily Mortimer When I’m panicked about my love handles, I go to the YMCA and get obsessed with Kid Rock videos as I’m on the running machine. – Emily Mortimer
Eli BroadMoving On Someone once told me I’m a sore winner, and they’re right. I rarely take more than a moment to enjoy a success before I’m moving on and looking for the next challenge. – Eli Broad
Bruce Springsteen I had tried to go to college, and I didn’t really fit in. I went to a real narrow-minded school where people gave me a lot of trouble, and I was hounded off the campus – I just looked different and acted different, so I left school. – Bruce Springsteen
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