Chuka Umunna One way to promote shareholder engagement and activism is through greater accountability and transparency. – Chuka Umunna Accountability Quotes Activism Quotes Engagement Quotes Promote Quotes Shareholder Quotes Transparency Quotes Requiring fund managers to disclose how they vote would increase accountability and mean that pensioners and ordinary investors would more easily be able to see how those acting on their behalf vote on all issues, including remuneration. While we are clear that it is right that those who work hard, generate wealth and create jobs for our country are rewarded, where failure is rewarded or people award themselves huge pay rises that bear no relation to performance or what their companies can bear, trust is severely undermined.
Kersti Kaljulaid I don’t know of any problems countries in Europe are facing – environment, infrastructure, markets, market development, the fifth freedom being digital freedom, border security, terrorism, migration – that can be better solved alone. – Kersti Kaljulaid
Deborah Meaden I hardly ever swear. So when I do, my husband knows it’s extremely serious. – Deborah Meaden
Gioconda Belli Poetry for me is very easy. It’s like a lightning bolt. I feel this calling, and the first line of the poem comes into my head, and I just have to go to the page, to the typewriter, to the computer or whatever and write it. – Gioconda Belli
Kathryn Minshew The first time you meet someone, they’re a new acquaintance, the second time you have a bit of an understanding, and the third time you meet them, you’re old hats. – Kathryn Minshew
M S Swaminathan Floods will become more serious and frequent in the Indo-Gangetic plains. Drought induced food and water scarcity will become more acute. South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and the small islands will be the worst victims. – M S Swaminathan
BusinessWalter Lippmann The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on. – Walter Lippmann
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