Karl Jaspers Only as an individual can man become a philosopher. – Karl Jaspers Individual Quotes Philosopher Quotes Philosophy is tested and characterised by the way in which it appropriates its history. Everything depends therefore on encountering thought at its source. Such thought is the reality of man’s being, which achieved consciousness and understanding of itself through it.
Ashton Sanders I had high hopes for ‘Moonlight,’ just off the reaction I had while reading the script. – Ashton Sanders
Gordie Howe Growing up during the Depression, we didn’t have much, but we had each other, we had our friends, and that was pretty much all we needed. I was aware that some people had more, but those who did, shared. – Gordie Howe
Daniel Lubetzky Why stick to just prose or just music or just newspaper or just video? Why not create new models for information that combine elements of them all? – Daniel Lubetzky
Lauren Schmidt Hissrich Nice doesn’t mean ‘naive.’ Nice doesn’t mean ‘gullible.’ In my job, one of the most important things to be is decisive and firm. – Lauren Schmidt Hissrich
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