Francis Picabia Only useless things are indispensable. – Francis Picabia Indispensable Quotes Useless Quotes A new gadget that lasts only five minutes is worth more than an immortal work that bores everyone. Pain has its reasons, pleasure is totally indifferent.
Nick Cannon The only person I’ve worked with on my album was Kanye. And between the stuff that I’ve done and the stuff that he’s assisted on and produced for me for this album, I don’t even need anything else. – Nick Cannon
IndependenceJacqueline Novogratz Acumen Fund’s patient capital investment in Western Seed is intended to enhance the food security and economic independence of Kenya’s smallholder farmers. – Jacqueline Novogratz
Garry Wills I don’t really write for an audience. I just write what the subject seems to me to require. – Garry Wills
Majora Carter I do have a problem with developments that hyper-exploit politically vulnerable communities for profit. That it continues is a shame upon us all, because we are all responsible for the future that we create. – Majora Carter
Shaun Livingston The Bay Area for me has provided the most stability and it’s definitely provided life-changing opportunities for myself, for my family, so I’m incredibly grateful for all that’s gone on these past five years. – Shaun Livingston
Dizzy GillespieHistory I think the idea is now for blacks to write about the history of our music. It’s time for that, because whites have been doing it all the time. It’s time for us to do it ourselves and tell it like it is. – Dizzy Gillespie
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