David Filo Open is something, I think, that will continue to drive a lot of innovation. – David Filo Continue Quotes Drive Quotes Innovation Quotes Lot Quotes People should think about e-mail as something where they are archiving their lives. Microsoft has tried to do a lot of things in search… thrown a lot of money. But nothing they have done has worked at all.
Sarah Greene Sarah Phelps is such an incredibly detailed writer. She’s famous for bringing literature to life, like Dickens and Agatha Christie. – Sarah Greene
Deborah Moggach My perfect day is to work incredibly well in the morning and write something wonderful, then take the dog for a walk and go for a swim in the ladies’ ponds on Hampstead Heath or work in my allotment. Then I get tarted up in the evening and go out in London to dinner or the cinema. – Deborah Moggach
Johannes P Muller The cooperation of the two retina in one field of vision, whatever is its cause, must rather be the source of all the ideas to which single or double vision may give rise. – Johannes P Muller
Courtney A Kemp I always like to write myself into a corner. I think the best stuff comes from only having a few ways out. – Courtney A Kemp
DreamsImaginationLeonardo da Vinci Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake? – Leonardo da Vinci
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