Mike Parson Optimism leads to investment, and anything that our government can do to reinforce optimism in our economy is good. – Mike Parson Economy Quotes Government Quotes Investment Quotes Leads Quotes Optimism Quotes Reinforce Quotes With more money to spend, workers can take their families to local restaurants, buy cars at local auto dealers and shop at local stores. That causes growth in these businesses, which can result in the creation of more jobs. The economic impact of new development spreads throughout a community. New facilities bring new jobs, providing good, family-supporting salaries.
Philippe Petit When you are a young person, the world is yours. You can do the impossible. – Philippe Petit
John Petrucci The best way to learn sweep picking is to first isolate the right- and left-hand techniques, master them separately and then coordinate them. – John Petrucci
Devin McCourty It’s just a tremendous feeling that you come from losing your father at 3 years old, to now, you and your twin brother in the NFL. A dream. – Devin McCourty
Seth ShostakSpace The math is dead simple: it seems that the frequency of planets able to support life is roughly one percent. In other words, a billion or more such worlds exist in our galaxy alone. That’s a lot of acreage, and it takes industrial-strength credulity to believe it’s all bleakly barren. – Seth Shostak
James L Brooks I could see no position to say, ‘I’m going to make a living as a writer.’ But I went to classes for it; I read every play in ‘Theater’ magazine. I saw the second acts of everything on Broadway – I had a job as a CBS usher in New York City, and on my way home every night, I’d see what shows I could get into. – James L Brooks
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