John Kani Other theaters exist here solely to entertain the white audience and keep South Africa on a par with what’s going on in the West End or Broadway. The Market concerns itself with theater of this country, for this country. – John Kani Africa Quotes Audience Quotes Broadway Quotes Concerns Quotes Country Quotes Entertain Quotes Exist Quotes Market Quotes Par Quotes Solely Quotes South Quotes Theater Quotes Theaters Quotes West Quotes White Quotes I must concentrate all my efforts in the attainment of freedom for my people. It dawned on me that theatre is a powerful weapon for change.
Nat Turner To a mind like mine, restless, inquisitive, and observant of everything that was passing, it is easy to suppose that religion was the subject to which it would be directed; and, although this subject principally occupied my thoughts, there was nothing that I saw or heard of to which my attention was not directed. – Nat Turner
Meghan Daum I never sit down to write anything personal unless I know the subject is going to go beyond my own experience and address something larger and more universal. – Meghan Daum
Carlo AncelottiMoney To find a clear identity for the team – that is not about buying certain players for a lot of money. It is about getting players who want to play the right way. – Carlo Ancelotti
Amber Stevens I think everyone at times feels awkward, like they don’t fit in. But I was lucky to have super-cool parents who reminded me to embrace what makes you special – that you shouldn’t want to blend in with everybody. – Amber Stevens
John Kani Whenever I play Shakespeare, I keep thinking, ‘how did this Englishman know so much about me?’ – John Kani
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