George Berkeley Others indeed may talk, and write, and fight about liberty, and make an outward pretence to it; but the free-thinker alone is truly free. – George Berkeley Fight Quotes Freethinker Quotes Liberty Quotes Outward Quotes Pretence Quotes Talk Quotes Write Quotes A mind at liberty to reflect on its own observations, if it produce nothing useful to the world, seldom fails of entertainment to itself. He who says there is no such thing as an honest man, you may be sure is himself a knave.
Blythe Masters Distributed ledger technology is fashionable. In fact, if you could wear it, you’d put Ralph Lauren out of business, at least in my case. – Blythe Masters
David Chipperfield In Britain, we’ve tended to replace the kind of architectural culture valued in much of Europe with an in-flight magazine lifestyle – all branding, marketing and ‘accessibility’, a word that usually means dumbing-down. – David Chipperfield
Jennifer Hyman When you buy something for $9.99, and you know that it’ll fall apart after you wear it once… you’re going into the shopping experience knowing that you’re renting. So all I’m doing is making the rental process more efficient. – Jennifer Hyman
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