GovernmentMoneyP J O'Rourke Our earliest evidence of government, in the ruins of Babylon and Egypt, shows nothing but ziggurats and pyramids of wasted taxpayer money, the TARP funds and shovel-ready stimulus programs of their day. – P J O’Rourke Babylon Quotes Day Quotes Earliest Quotes Egypt Quotes Evidence Quotes Funds Quotes Government Quotes Money Quotes P. J. O'Rourke Quotes Programs Quotes Pyramids Quotes Ruins Quotes Shovelready Quotes Stimulus Quotes Tarp Quotes Taxpayer Quotes Wasted Quotes Ziggurats Quotes When the federal government spends more each year than it collects in tax revenues, it has three choices: It can raise taxes, print money, or borrow money. While these actions may benefit politicians, all three options are bad for average Americans. The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money.
Olesya Rulin I’m not musically inclined. It blows my mind that people can write music. I don’t have that talent; I look up to the people that do. – Olesya Rulin
Ashley Benson I love Rihanna’s new album, Skrillex, and Norah Jones. They’re are all very different, but I love any rock, pop, and jazz. – Ashley Benson
Neha Bhasin There are some artists who are doing some good music, especially those who are independent, but with labels, I say that I get the feeling of selling soaps. – Neha Bhasin
Diana Lopez It was natural for me to go to local tournaments with my mother and watch my brothers compete and sometimes be left with my mom at home while my dad would take my brothers away to different tournaments and competitions. So I started doing everything they did. – Diana Lopez
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