Ivan Moody Our fans understand us because of who we are. – Ivan Moody Fans Quotes Understand Quotes I meet these rock guys, these metal guys, and we are very real. We’ve never tried to be anybody else but Five Finger Death Punch.
Danielle Macdonald I’m a realist – yes, I know: darn, I’m unlikely to have a love scene with Chris Hemsworth anytime soon, if ever. But I also believe that persistence and hard work pays off. – Danielle Macdonald
Amy Grant I feel a part of the congregation. I’ve never had to do special music. The kids sing in the choir. It’s just normal. We’re treated like everybody else. – Amy Grant
Nigel Hamilton I became an American on Nov. 4, 2010, at an elegant ceremony in Great Hall of Bullfinch’s Faneuil Hall, Boston, beneath a vast painting of Daniel Webster debating the preservation of the Union with Robert Hayne of South Carolina, before the Civil War. – Nigel Hamilton
Larry Wilmore I thought Sarah Palin was the ultimate expression of comic outrageousness in a person. – Larry Wilmore
Chuck Grassley We should not have a government program that determines if you’re going to pull the plug on grandma. – Chuck Grassley
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