Eve Arden Our kids seldom even get to see a movie. When we go to a movie, it’s an event – and we make it an event. – Eve Arden Event Quotes Kids Quotes Movie Quotes Seldom Quotes As for Hollywood children, their social life can get a little overboard, just like their parents can. Living in town, you attend so many functions. Everyone from Pullman porters to hostesses at swank New York parties will tell me they always watch ‘Miss Brooks’ on Friday night.
Herbert Read Freud has shown one thing very clearly: that we only forget our infancy by burying it in the unconscious; and that the problems of this difficult period find their solution under a disguised form in adult life. – Herbert Read
Rafael dos Anjos We have a lot of Brazilians in the United States. It doesn’t mean we’re traitors to our country. – Rafael dos Anjos
DadPatienceSimon Cowell My dad said to me, ‘Work hard and be patient.’ It was the best advice he ever gave me. You have to put the hours in. – Simon Cowell
FamilyRichard M Daley I’ve given it my all. I’ve done my best. Now, I’m ready with my family to begin the next phase of our lives. – Richard M Daley
Mike Lee We can’t give excessive, unfettered power to a president to act alone, to bind an entire country to a set of principles, a set of rules that the president, him or herself, makes. – Mike Lee
Casey Wasserman You never want to start a season knowing your team doesn’t stand a chance to win. The Premier League may be the one example where fans continue to be passionate about their team despite that. – Casey Wasserman
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