Antony Blinken Our purpose is not to contain China, to hold it back, to keep it down. It is to uphold this rules-based order that China is posing a challenge to. Anyone who poses a challenge to that order, we’re going to stand up and – and defend it. – Antony Blinken Challenge Quotes China Quotes Defend Quotes Hold Quotes Poses Quotes Posing Quotes Purpose Quotes Rulesbased Quotes Stand Quotes Uphold Quotes Tweeting first and asking questions later is not a good way to make policy – especially in the Middle East. President Donald J. Trump was right to strike at the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for using a weapon of mass destruction, the nerve agent sarin, against its own people.
Nancy Sinatra There are a lot of people who would laugh at the idea of me being a good singer. – Nancy Sinatra
Katie Pavlich The pro-life movement is and has been led by women for decades. The history of the movement shows this, despite the current narrative about men ‘controlling’ or making laws about women’s bodies. – Katie Pavlich
Maggie Rogers I just didn’t really know who I was, so I didn’t really know what I sounded like. And so I did a lot of writing, and I studied abroad, and I fell in love, and, like… I got to be like any other college student. – Maggie Rogers
John Knoll There’s a shot that I designed to try and illustrate the scale of the Death Star that’s sort of framed in close on the equatorial trench as Krennic’s ship is leaving. The camera’s pulling back, and you start with it framed so you can kind of see those docking bays that are in that trench. – John Knoll
Laurence Housman But it has also enabled me to find my feet as a lecturer and a reader of my own plays to audiences who like to hear them; and that experience of immediate appreciation gives greater pleasure and more stimulus towards further activity than even the most laudatory of reviews. – Laurence Housman
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