John Hull Our research led on to other things, such as the fact that exchange rates are not lognormally distributed. – John Hull Distributed Quotes Exchange Quotes Led Quotes Lognormally Quotes Rates Quotes Our starting point then was trying to find a way to incorporate mean reversion into the HoLee model. One important measurement issue concerns the fat tails problem that I mentioned earlier. VAR is concerned with extreme outcomes. If the tails of the probability distributions we are using are too thin, our VAR measures are likely to be too low.
Scott Bakula After ‘Quantum Leap,’ a lot of sci-fi things came my way, and I had to say, ‘I can’t do that right now.’ – Scott Bakula
Orson Bean One night in a club in Boston, I tried the name Roger Duck. No laughs. The next night, I tried Orson Bean, putting together a pompous first name and a silly second name. I got laughs, so I decided to keep it. – Orson Bean
Rufus Wainwright I think my mother, more than anyone, knew the importance of inspiration. If it was occurring, you had to use it. – Rufus Wainwright
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