Jim Walsh Our soldiers and their families are benefiting. They deserve good, quality housing and they need it. – Jim Walsh Benefiting Quotes Deserve Quotes Families Quotes Housing Quotes Quality Quotes Soldiers Quotes But as someone pointed out earlier, it is not really about fairness; it is about taking finite resources and applying them where they will have the most effect. Personally, in my home, the district in central New York, the Air National Guard base, not 5 years ago, the commandant came through and said, This is one of the sorriest looking bases I have ever seen.
Arvind Swami I have plans of becoming a director soon. I just finished my script. I don’t know when I’ll direct the film. It is ready and has reached its third draft. – Arvind Swami
Margot Robbie That’s precisely what we do as actors: try to convince the audience we are somebody else. And if you can do that, you are really doing something. – Margot Robbie
Robert Rodriguez It’s rare for the studios to find a filmmaker who wants to make a family film. To find someone that has an idea, embraces it, has kids and wants to make something exciting – well, they don’t see that too often. – Robert Rodriguez
Andrea Navedo I’m really Americanized. The only real Latina thing I do is cook rice and beans with chuletas and tostones. I do the healthier version of what my grandmother would have made: a lot less salt, a lot less fat, a lot more vegetables. Sometimes I serve it with brown rice, which is, like, sacrilegious. – Andrea Navedo
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