Jim Clyburn Our top priority is our troops, who are making the extraordinary effort to fulfill the mission they have been given. Democrats will work with this Administration to better define that mission and a realistic expectation of success in Iraq. – Jim Clyburn Administration Quotes Define Quotes Democrats Quotes Effort Quotes Expectation Quotes Extraordinary Quotes Fulfill Quotes Iraq Quotes Mission Quotes Priority Quotes Realistic Quotes Success Quotes Troops Quotes The president and Republicans in Congress have repeatedly promised to revisit Social Security privatization after November. But Americans have already said, loud and clear, that they don’t want Social Security to be privatized or dismantled. Democrats are committed to mapping a new direction in Iraq, and we will work with the President and the new Defense Secretary to ensure that the will of the American people guides our future actions.
Randy Savage Being a wrestler is like walking on the treadmill of life. You get off it and it just keeps going. – Randy Savage
Anita Sarkeesian There’s a toxicity within gaming culture, and also in tech culture, that drives this misogynist hatred, this reactionary backlash against women who have anything to say, especially those who have critiques or who are feminists. – Anita Sarkeesian
Chip Conley I know that when I attached my sense of identity a little too closely to my work that I might be distracting myself from feelings of unworthiness. It wasn’t the number of hours I worked or how bloodshot my eyes were that defined the difference. It was something internal. – Chip Conley
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