H G Wells Our true nationality is mankind. – H G Wells Mankind Quotes Nationality Quotes TRUE Quotes The New Deal is plainly an attempt to achieve a working socialism and avert a social collapse in America; it is extraordinarily parallel to the successive ‘policies’ and ‘Plans’ of the Russian experiment. Americans shirk the word ‘socialism’, but what else can one call it? What really matters is what you do with what you have.
Kara Hayward One of my favorite films is 1994’s ‘Little Women’, with Winona Ryder and Kirsten Dunst. – Kara Hayward
Sam Smith I was once sitting on a tube, and someone was playing my song so loudly through their ear phones next to me. I just stayed silent and chuckled to myself. – Sam Smith
K Eric Drexler But if we can manage it so people don’t have things forced on them that they don’t want, I think there’s every reason to believe things can settle out in a situation that is recognizably better than the one we’re stuck in today. – K Eric Drexler
Cynthia Dill I want to stop directing so many of resources to the military budget and focus them here at home. I believe government should invest in public infrastructure. – Cynthia Dill
Donald Rumsfeld Don’t automatically obey Presidential directives if you disagree or if you suspect he hasn’t considered key aspects of the issue. – Donald Rumsfeld
Andrew Neil As one of the grammar-school generation, I grew up as part of a postwar meritocracy that steadily infiltrated the citadels of power. – Andrew Neil
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