Patricia Reilly Giff Outside of family, writing is essential. To me, it’s like breathing. – Patricia Reilly Giff Breathing Quotes Essential Quotes Family Quotes Writing Quotes To me, family is everything. I want children to realize how important their families are and what a support system a family is. All of my books are based in some way on my personal experiences, or the experiences of members of my family, or the stories kids would tell me in school.
Jason Reitman Things like Facebook have made you feel as though you’re connected to everybody. You’ve got a thousand friends on Facebook, but you don’t actually talk to anybody. You’re not close to anybody. – Jason Reitman
Peng Shuai The top 10 is really hard to break into. You have to play a consistent season for the whole year. – Peng Shuai
Kage Baker We who grew up with ‘drop and cover’ drills know all too well what wonders science can bring us, and we like to see the guy in the white lab coat suffer a little. Or a lot. – Kage Baker
Ross Mathews There were times I was told, ‘You are too gay.’ I turned down a lot of things because producers said they wanted me to be different. I said, ‘It’s not going to happen.’ – Ross Mathews
Edward Norton Basically, I think 21st century conservation is moving toward preserving ecosystems by dealing with the needs of people. – Edward Norton
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