Diego Boneta Overall I think that the most important thing is to have true friends, and always to stay true to yourself and never try to be somebody that you’re not. – Diego Boneta Friends Quotes Stay Quotes TRUE Quotes I always try to be a reliable friend. I’m a very romantic and passionate guy.
AttitudeMartin O'Malley The attitude in Baltimore in 1999 was almost one of resignation, that our problems were bigger than our capacity to handle them. – Martin O’Malley
Anthony McCarten If you look at the copies of Churchill’s speeches that have survived, they are heavily marked up. He was scrupulous about the impact of each word. He preferred short words and the repetition of short words. He knew everything about the techniques of rhetoric. – Anthony McCarten
Ethel Waters I’ve never been able to feel that there is anything undignified about making your living by the sweat of your brow. – Ethel Waters
Billie Eilish I had a period in my life where I decided that I would never be bored again and that, if I had any free time at all, I would make plans, and I would always be doing things. It actually was great for a year or so, but then I lost all of my friends. – Billie Eilish
Russell Tovey I think if I met Frank Auerbach or Jeff Koons, I’d be more wobbly than if I met Robert De Niro! – Russell Tovey
Brad Leone A good knife is an essential tool in the kitchen, but when you get one handmade, it becomes something special. – Brad Leone
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