John Buchanan Robinson Paper currency has hitherto been regarded with suspicion, as insecure. – John Buchanan Robinson Currency Quotes Hitherto Quotes Insecure Quotes Paper Quotes Regarded Quotes Suspicion Quotes When not only gold but all commodities are available for the redemption of the paper currency, its volume is limited only by the value of all the wealth of the country, and it can never become insecure up to this limit. Accordingly, when the supply of gold runs short, the security behind the notes is diminished, the loaning of notes is restricted or suspended, and the panic follows.
Mickey Mantle Well, baseball was my whole life. Nothing’s ever been as fun as baseball. – Mickey Mantle
Kathleen Hanna I’m not a goddess, for crying out loud. I’m a regular person who took feminism – which I have a deep connection to – and mixed it with music, which I really love to do. – Kathleen Hanna
Edward Ruscha Traveling is irritating to me, but not driving. Going to the airport makes me nervous, but when I set out to just take a leisurely drive, it’s blue skies and puffy clouds and time. – Edward Ruscha
Richard Fleeshman It was great as an actor to be given the story line I was given but I didn’t expect Craig to stay so it was a lovely twist when I found out they’d decided to keep him. – Richard Fleeshman
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