Dean Ornish Parents and kids know they should pass up the fries for an apple and exchange the video game for a game of tag – but knowing and doing are certainly different things. – Dean Ornish Apple Quotes Exchange Quotes Fries Quotes Game Quotes Kids Quotes Knowing Quotes Parents Quotes Pass Quotes Tag Quotes Video Quotes Educators and school personnel work on the front lines of childhood obesity, but every day they face the challenges of budget cuts, mandated tests, rushed lunch periods, and a decrease in time for physical activity. I appreciate the power of a White House bully pulpit – but kids listen and learn primarily from other kids. If your son’s friend tells him that the apple is better than the fries, he’s more likely to listen.
BeautyHideaki Itsuno The most important thing about ‘Devil May Cry’ is that the action itself, there’s beauty to it. – Hideaki Itsuno
Maysoon Zayid Disability is as visual as race. If a wheelchair user can’t play Beyonce, then Beyonce can’t play a wheelchair user. – Maysoon Zayid
Meena Harris You have to train managers to encourage their teams to be entrepreneurial. – Meena Harris
Elodie Yung I would ask to tweak stuff during the action, because I thought Elektra would more likely express herself with a slap, for example. I wanted to keep the characteristics of my character even during the fights and express the violence as she would do it, not like somebody else would. – Elodie Yung
Cynthia Nixon My girlfriend is much better than I am at working hard then resting, and she demands that from me, too. She insists on having time when we don’t do anything. We leave the housework and watch a movie. – Cynthia Nixon
Juvenal A child is owed the greatest respect; if you have ever have something disgraceful in mind, don’t ignore your son’s tender years. – Juvenal
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