David Cohen Part of the thing that’s magic about TechStars is it’s about a community that wants to make itself better. – David Cohen Community Quotes Magic Quotes Techstars Quotes We’re pretty broad as investors. Our thesis is work with great entrepreneurs that believe they can change the world. My attitude is there are at least hundreds of interesting startups that are going to get going in every year.
EqualityLouis de Bernieres Family law is institutionally anti-male. I’ve been lobbying MPs, and I’m not going to give up campaigning for equality until I get equality. – Louis de Bernieres
Natalie Prass I had a fairy shrine in my room, and I went to fairy LARPing camp, and I played Dungeons and Dragons in the woods. – Natalie Prass
Lee Child I wanted readers to be genuinely unsure as to whether she’s telling the truth or lying. It meant making her partly sympathetic, and partly unsympathetic, which wasn’t easy. – Lee Child
Alia Shawkat When I’m working, I’m pretty busy with that, but when I’m not, yeah, I like to make music. I sing in jazz bars and stuff, and then I mainly paint every day. It’s kind of like a different side of my mind I like to use, and it keeps the other one fresh, and yeah, writing, I’ve been writing with some friends. – Alia Shawkat
Robert Mueller For the men and women of the FBI, bravery is reflected not only in the physical courage often necessary in the job. It can be seen in the courage of conviction, in the courage to act with wisdom in the face of fear, and in the courage it takes to admit mistakes and move forward. – Robert Mueller
Declan McKenna I had too many guys with big egos chasing me, claiming they knew the way to make things work for this ‘wonder kid,’ all off the back of one song. – Declan McKenna
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