Isabelle Adjani Passion surprises. One doesn’t search it. It can happen to you tomorrow. – Isabelle Adjani Happen Quotes Passion Quotes Search Quotes Surprises Quotes Tomorrow Quotes One can not love without opening oneself, and opening oneself, that’s taking the risk of suffering. One does not have control. But no one frees himself from being in love in three days.
Alex Trebek Sex? Unfortunately, as you get older – and I shouldn’t admit this – there are other things that become more important in your daily life. – Alex Trebek
Jessica Lange TV is sort of the only way to go for an actress my age to make a decent salary; with independent films, you just can’t. – Jessica Lange
Ray Fisher There are people who have been in this game much longer than myself. And one of the things that I’ve learned by way of just watching is to stay flexible because you never know what may pop up. – Ray Fisher
Nick Hornby If you’re reading a novel that was written in 1964, you’ll find out more about 1964 than if you’re reading a nonfiction book written in 1964 because you’re hearing how language was actually used and hearing what people’s actual concerns were at the beginning of the 1960s. – Nick Hornby
Chuck Berry I eat meat daily. I’m not Jewish. I’m not Arabic. What’s the kind of person that doesn’t eat meat? That’s right – I’m not a vegetarian. – Chuck Berry
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