Adam CohenMedical Patents have a place in medical science – for new inventions that advance the state of knowledge. – Adam Cohen Advance Quotes Inventions Quotes Knowledge Quotes Medical Quotes Patents Quotes Science Quotes After I spent my compulsory army service in the ‘top secret office’ of the Medical Forces, where I was fortunate to be exposed to clinical and medical issues, I enrolled to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. What we need in medical schools is not to teach empathy, as much as to preserve it – the process of learning huge volumes of information about disease, of learning a specialized language, can ironically make one lose sight of the patient one came to serve; empathy can be replaced by cynicism.
Andrew Bogut Winning the Rookie of the Year would be nice but making the playoffs would be even nicer for me. – Andrew Bogut
Nicolas Maduro Similar questions were posed to Allende as to me. Allende was told that he blamed everything on a conspiracy, on the economic crisis, that he blamed the high inflation that sabotaged him on the United States, and that he was frequently accusing the little lambs of Nixon and Kissinger of a coup. But everything became known later. – Nicolas Maduro
Ross Douthat For all its deranging effects, I am always grateful to Twitter for the interesting ideas it surfaces. – Ross Douthat
Ntozake Shange There was nothing to aspire to, no one to honor. Sojourner Truth wasn’t a big enough role model for me. I couldn’t go around abolishing slavery. – Ntozake Shange
Paul Graham Like having a child, running a startup is the sort of experience that’s hard to imagine unless you’ve done it yourself. – Paul Graham
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