Jodie Turner-Smith People are making a lot more noise about representation and diversity. But I think modeling is one of the professions where people can be kind of racist. – Jodie Turner-Smith Diversity Quotes Lot Quotes Modeling Quotes Noise Quotes People Quotes Professions Quotes Racist Quotes Representation Quotes What’s unique about America is that the country itself was built upon oppression, it’s in the very foundation. We definitely experience racism in England and different levels of oppression as well. Anywhere affected by colonialism there’s certain kinds of race relations and class relations going on.
David Hewlett I used to spill things on my t-shirts, leaving oily dark spots down the front that I would try to hide with loose-fitting dress shirts. Nowadays all I have to do is tell everyone my son did it. I skirt the ‘slob’ moniker and instead look like a dedicated father who doesn’t even have time to change. – David Hewlett
Robert Parish I’m not saying Brad Stevens should not be getting praise for the job that he’s done, because I feel like he’s done an outstanding job. I’m just saying the amount of praise he’s getting, you’d think he won a championship or two. They don’t give Steve Kerr that much love. Come on. – Robert Parish
AttitudeLita Ford It’s better for me to play with guys because Rock ‘n’ Roll has such an aggressive attitude. – Lita Ford
Gary PaulsenRomantic I’m a teller of stories. I put bloody skins on my back and dance around the fire, and I say what the hunt was like. It’s not erudite; it’s not intellectual. I sail, run dogs, ride horses, play professional poker, and tell stories about the stuff I’ve been through. And I’m still a romantic; I still want Bambi to make it out of the fire. – Gary Paulsen
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