Billie Joe Armstrong People are so damned afraid that one day they might wake up and discover that they’ve grown old. – Billie Joe Armstrong Afraid Quotes Damned Quotes Day Quotes Discover Quotes Grown Quotes People Quotes Wake Quotes I don’t want to live in an ivory tower, being the songwriter who just turns inward. The thing about punk is that there are purists. Once you start going outside of that, they don’t think what you’re doing is punk rock.
FearSimone de Beauvoir In itself, homosexuality is as limiting as heterosexuality: the ideal should be to be capable of loving a woman or a man; either, a human being, without feeling fear, restraint, or obligation. – Simone de Beauvoir
Alex HonnoldFamilyLife I was 19 when my father died from a heart attack. He was a 55-year-old college professor and had led what was by all appearances a risk-free life. But he was overweight, and heart disease runs in our family. – Alex Honnold
Jane McGonigal Gamers always believe that an epic win is possible and that it’s always worth trying, and trying now. Gamers don’t sit around. – Jane McGonigal
RJ Cyler You know how in most teenage movies the girl meets the boy, they kiss, they have some type of fallout, then there’s an awkward sex scene, and then they’re together forever? And they say the perfect things the whole way? That doesn’t happen in real life. – RJ Cyler
GoodJ R R TolkienLovePeace Hobbits are an unobtrusive but very ancient people, more numerous formerly than they are today; for they love peace and quiet and good tilled earth: a well-ordered and well-farmed countryside was their favourite haunt. – J R R Tolkien
Mark Rydell He was a psychotic. He was a borderline psychotic. He was a terrific, sensational actor, with a magical screen presence, you couldn’t keep your eyes off him, but he was paranoid. He was sure everybody was out to get him. – Mark Rydell
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