JealousySummer Altice People are taken aback by a confident, pretty girl who knows what she wants in life and isn’t going to let anyone get in her way. And you know what it’s all about? Jealousy. – Summer Altice Aback Quotes Confident Quotes Girl Quotes Jealousy Quotes Life Quotes People Quotes Pretty Quotes Back then I didn’t think a woman like that, or a relationship like that, could exist with complete freedom and no jealousy or possessiveness. I thought it sounded too good to be true and I was certainly convinced it wasn’t the life for me! I want my books to explore motives which make people think, ‘Wow! Imagine the psychological state you’d have to be in for that to be your motive!’ Whereas things like blackmail, jealousy – they’re rational reasons for committing murder.
Edy GanemFuture I think, in the future, people are going to look back and say, ‘I can’t believe that gay and lesbian people had to fight to be able to get married.’ – Edy Ganem
Curt Smith I saw a band called The Electric Guitars, from Bristol. I described them to Roland, and he just started playing a riff on guitar and said, ‘Do they sound like this?’ And they did. – Curt Smith
Elena Roger Sunday is the day I connect with Buenos Aires. I speak to or text my mother every day, but on Sunday I phone everyone. – Elena Roger
Josh Hartnett I get bored with the same old film coming out every weekend. It feels like it’s the same story all the time, and the same visuals, and the characters’ dilemmas are remarkably similar. – Josh Hartnett
Tabu Films like ‘Shaan,’ ‘Sholay,’ ‘Muqaddar Ka Sikander’ and so many others… they’ve been a part of my growing up years. – Tabu
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