Andy Jassy People ask us a lot about the notion of spinning AWS off. We have no plans to do so. I will never say never, but there’s no compelling reason. Amazon has been so generous and gracious in aggressively funding AWS that there’s no reason to do it. – Andy Jassy Aggressively Quotes Amazon Quotes Aws Quotes Compelling Quotes Funding Quotes Generous Quotes Gracious Quotes Lot Quotes Notion Quotes People Quotes Plans Quotes Reason Quotes Spinning Quotes If you know anything about what a lot of the senior leaders at Amazon do in their free time, they spend a lot of time on civil liberties. It’s something that’s very important to me and I think a lot of my peers. A lot of times in intense moments, you tend to play conservatively because you’re just trying to avoid losing, as opposed to trying to win.
Martin Villeneuve When American producers see my film, they think that I had a big budget to do it, like 23 million. But in fact I had 10 percent of that budget. I did ‘Mars et Avril’ for only 2.3 million. – Martin Villeneuve
Alex Grey The more religions are fixated on having a dogmatic sense of truth, the more likely they are to blow each other up. So being open to God as a creative principle could provide for a new kind of dialogue between the faiths, which I think is crucial at this time. – Alex Grey
Charles M Schwab I mention the need of cooperation and confidence among the men who work, no matter what may be their relative ranks, because it is the vital factor underlying everything. Only as we are willing to work today, work as we never have worked before, will civilization survive. – Charles M Schwab
AmazingPaul Oakenfold Shanghai set out to take over from Hong Kong and I think it’s done that. It’s got the most amazing futuristic skyline which rivals and even betters Tokyo. – Paul Oakenfold
Ann WilsonTime What’s important to me is love, especially that. What’s important to me is growing and evolving. But ultimately, what’s important to me is being real and being authentic. I’ve spent enough time in my life holding poses, playing roles. – Ann Wilson
FitnessWilhelm von Humboldt True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united. – Wilhelm von Humboldt
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