Rachel Riley People can underestimate you when you’re blonde and from Essex, but it’s easy to shut that down. I used to get dumb blonde jokes when I was 18, but when I replied that I was studying maths at Oxford, it usually shut them up. – Rachel Riley Blonde Quotes Dumb Quotes Easy Quotes Essex Quotes Jokes Quotes Maths Quotes Oxford Quotes People Quotes Replied Quotes Shut Quotes Studying Quotes Underestimate Quotes I’d happily describe myself as a TV presenter now. We go to the banya, the Russian spa. And you go into the sauna, which is really hot, much hotter than a normal sauna, and then they beat you with branches.
Dorothy Bush Koch Doing what you thought was right for the country, rather than what was politically expedient, seems almost as quaint now as having civil disagreements with those whose viewpoints differ from your own. – Dorothy Bush Koch
Ludwig Wittgenstein Logic must look after itself. In a certain sense, we cannot make mistakes in logic. – Ludwig Wittgenstein
Bjorn Ulvaeus Stockholm is unique in that it’s built on islands and surrounded by water, so you get this enormous sense of freedom. It’s got everything you could possibly need – everything New York or London has but without all the people and traffic. It’s also become a very creative city, not only for music but also for fashion and computer games. – Bjorn Ulvaeus
Peter Farrelly Our feeling is that the most important thing on a set is that actors have enough confidence to try different things. If there’s stress or tension, they won’t go out on a limb because they won’t want to embarrass themselves if they don’t feel completely comfortable. – Peter Farrelly
Lamorne Morris I had this job at Hollywood Video, and during my worst audition ever, I forgot all of my lines in front of Chuck Lorre at the callback for the ‘Mike and Molly’ pilot. – Lamorne Morris
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