Steven Bauer People got very wimpy about ‘Scarface’ very quickly. – Steven Bauer People Quotes Scarface Quotes Wimpy Quotes I really do like the independent way of working. You don’t get much studio intrusion compared to when you’re working on a big Hollywood film where there tends to always be loads of people interfering. The only problem, though, with independent features is that they are hard to sell. Next? Growing up to be Clint Eastwood, I hope.
Ashok Soota I would rather be responsible and accountable and help to reward the public shareholders going ahead. – Ashok Soota
Christopher Young As a kid, I had a Beatles poster and a Bela Lugosi as Dracula poster, so both worlds always appealed to me. Horror allows you to do things as a composer than you’re able to do in no other style of movie. The music has to be aggressive. You can’t tiptoe around. It has to be incredibly focused dramatically – no time for second thoughts. – Christopher Young
Miquita Oliver I started ‘Popworld’ at the age of 16 so for me it’s a bit like leaving school. – Miquita Oliver
Ben Foster We’ve turned film into such an industry that we pursue naturalism just by shaking the camera and cutting the film to ribbons to provoke a bogus sense of documentary. But we haven’t done the homework. To push the depth that the Actor’s Studio did or the Russian theatres did with their actors is to rehearse, to spend time, to dig, to excavate. – Ben Foster
Mary Beard Roman military tactics were much over-rated. All the clever ones had the same idea, which was to go round the back. – Mary Beard
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