Barry Diller People have paid for content. They always have. – Barry Diller Content Quotes Paid Quotes People Quotes What’s happened to broadcasting is that broadcasting really used to be… it used to have a very clear public service quotient. And it’s more or less now. And it’s been lost. What we need to do is replace the entire tax code. I do not think it makes sense to say, ‘Let’s just grab money from, quote, the wealthy’… The issue is the tax code’s rotten and we should start truly over with a simple code that is fair and transparent.
Stephen Frears I have to travel for my work, so the idea of getting on planes depresses me. They give me frequent-flyer points, and I think, ‘I don’t want them, because I’m sick of flying!’ – Stephen Frears
Karen Bardsley Every minute I’m on the field, I’m out there playing for my team, and the success of our team is what is most important to me. – Karen Bardsley
Hansika Motwani In ‘Manithan’ I did not again play a bubbly thing, but my character was calm and composed. – Hansika Motwani
Cush Jumbo What’s important with writing is that it comes from a place you absolutely love. I’m writing for film and TV. In America, they call people like me ‘multi-hyphenators.’ – Cush Jumbo
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