Jamie Vardy People keep asking me if I’m watching our rivals’ games in the Premier League, but I’m usually on my PlayStation. If I had been watching, it would have been on an illegal stream, so I don’t even know why they are asking me. – Jamie Vardy Games Quotes Illegal Quotes League Quotes People Quotes Playstation Quotes Premier Quotes Rivals Quotes Stream Quotes Watching Quotes When I was playing for the reserves, if you got a call-up you got a straight £30. I’d never been paid for football! You do get a chance to think about things when you’re at home, but that is when you want to relax and forget about football for a bit. Honestly, you don’t really get time to stop and think about things. We have a job to do. That is all we concentrate on, going game by game.
Logan Lerman I don’t really look around and say, ‘I’ve made it.’ I just look around and think how fortunate I am to work with the people I’m working with. – Logan Lerman
Anna Todd I never really had a lot of friends where I lived. Online, you can have thousands of friends. – Anna Todd
Sai Baba I am the protector of all lives. I am present even before the creation. I am prime God. – Sai Baba
Claude Vorilhon There is nothing glorious about what our ancestors call history. It is simply a succession of mistakes, intolerances and violations. – Claude Vorilhon
Ruby Rose Fashion is such a weird thing. Growing up, I just made do with whatever I had access to – a lot of hand-me-downs and thrift store shopping. – Ruby Rose
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