Ian Goldin People often focus on the downsides of population growth but neglect the upsides. These upsides may even outweigh the downsides, making a larger population a good thing overall. – Ian Goldin Downsides Quotes Focus Quotes Growth Quotes Larger Quotes Neglect Quotes Outweigh Quotes People Quotes Population Quotes Upsides Quotes In many cases, water stress is more about politics, economics, behaviour and governance than absolute water scarcity. Better planning is needed, to allocate water where societal need is greatest, and to allow trade-offs between alternative uses. Nations are divided, but we citizens need not be.
Peter Riegert In 2000, I realized I had reached that certain age when the parts get scarcer. So I decided to try my hand at directing. – Peter Riegert
Laura Wasser Just about every therapist or counselor or social worker is practiced in dealing with people going through failing relationships, ending them, and confronting issues of custody and support. – Laura Wasser
Jackie Fuchs Opera requires singers with exceptional talent and years of rigorous, formal training. – Jackie Fuchs
Joss Stone It strikes me as weird that a 25 year old man would even find a 16 year old attractive. – Joss Stone
Ivica Zubac I was hoping to workout with Kareem on a daily basis. After that first workout, I never got a chance. – Ivica Zubac
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