Nandita Mahtani People on the heavier side can go for a wide-legged trouser with a double brisket jacket, while women with a slim figure must go for a slim leg trouser with a single button jacket. – Nandita Mahtani Brisket Quotes Button Quotes Double Quotes Figure Quotes Heavier Quotes Jacket Quotes Leg Quotes People Quotes Single Quotes Slim Quotes Trouser Quotes Widelegged Quotes Women Quotes If you’re attending a serious occasion, a nice burgundy, navy blue or black tux would be perfect. A tux can look good on anyone, provided they choose the right kind one for their body type.
Nidhhi Agerwal Pay disparity is something I don’t like honestly. I feel it depends on say, if any actress and actor at the same level bring in same number of people into theatres, they should be paid equally. That’s just what I believe in. – Nidhhi Agerwal
Isa Guha Cricket is a sport girls can play and be successful in irrespective of their background. – Isa Guha
Taiye Selasi I consider myself West African, among other cultural identities, and a writer, among other creative ones. – Taiye Selasi
Ronnie Corbett Dad was a baker, and Mum was tied up with church and the social club. – Ronnie Corbett
Molly QerimSports It’s tricky when you have people tuning in to hear about sports, not politics, but I think in issues where they intertwine, that is not something ‘First Take’ is not going to shy away from and potentially will go to another level than another sports show. – Molly Qerim
Enrico Fermi There’s two possible outcomes: if the result confirms the hypothesis, then you’ve made a discovery. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you’ve made a discovery. – Enrico Fermi
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