Nikki Sixx People say I have a distorted lens. I think I see things as they really are. – Nikki Sixx Distorted Quotes Lens Quotes People Quotes I’ve got so many mountains to climb and goals to conquer. I’ve got so many scars I want to leave on the planet. I just feel like I’m not there yet. I feel like I am just getting started. In the end, the whole Internet thing kills me, because you can use it as a positive thing or you can read into all the negativity. And I think you’ve gotta put out positive energy, put out cool viral stuff, and then just stay out of people’s opinions.
Jeremy Strong I’ve always wanted to be part of stories about social justice – urgent, meaningful, substantial dramas. – Jeremy Strong
Eliot Schrefer You can assume that the leaf you see let go of a branch and fall towards the ground has never been considered by any being but yourself. Catch it in your hand – or, even better, keep walking until one falls into your reach naturally – and it will have spent its whole time on the planet without ever touching the ground, only because of you. – Eliot Schrefer
GoodWilliam McKinley We need Hawaii just as much and a good deal more than we did California. It is Manifest Destiny. – William McKinley
Andrew Ross SorkinCar Some billionaires like cars, yachts and private jets. Others like newspapers. – Andrew Ross Sorkin
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