Nikki Sixx People say I have a distorted lens. I think I see things as they really are. – Nikki Sixx Distorted Quotes Lens Quotes People Quotes I’ve got so many mountains to climb and goals to conquer. I’ve got so many scars I want to leave on the planet. I just feel like I’m not there yet. I feel like I am just getting started. In the end, the whole Internet thing kills me, because you can use it as a positive thing or you can read into all the negativity. And I think you’ve gotta put out positive energy, put out cool viral stuff, and then just stay out of people’s opinions.
Alexis Arguello I think I went on a nice winning streak of about 20 fights until I fought Jorge Reyes and he stopped me in 6 rounds after I punched myself out. – Alexis Arguello
Lady Colin Campbell I’ve always been loving and outgoing, and wanted to be happy. Just because you’re born disabled, it doesn’t mean you have to end up having a terrible life. You make choices and you can choose to embrace life. Bloody hell, it’s up to you! – Lady Colin Campbell
Ariel GartenChance I want to help give people the ability to stop and take just a few minutes a day to regroup and refocus: to give them a chance to get perspective on the things that matter and the things that don’t. – Ariel Garten
Max Keiser Starting in the wake of the 2008 GFC (Global Financial Crisis), market observers have warned of a crash in the bond market. Initially, it was believed that the trillions printed to bail out the banks would cause inflation and, therefore, a flight from bonds. – Max Keiser
Lance Archer It’s fun living the life and traveling and getting to do things that I otherwise probably would never do but it comes with a cost of loss of privacy and being away from loved one a lot. – Lance Archer
DatingTorrie Wilson I was dating a guy that was a huge wrestling fan and I’m embarrassed to say it now but I used to make fun of him for watching it. – Torrie Wilson
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