James Daly People say we were an overnight success. It took us a year to be an overnight success. James Daly Overnight Quotes People Quotes Success Quotes It’s very rare that publications double their frequency. You can’t be distracted by the noise of misinformation.
Cybill Shepherd When I’m saying hysteria, I’m referring to Freud, because all the women were coming to him with symptoms and seeking help, and he just called it hysteria. – Cybill Shepherd
Ken Wahl After I got hurt, animals to me were a great comfort, because I went through a very long, dismal period where I just felt completely useless and worthless because I really couldn’t do anything after my injury. And I just hated that feeling. But animals, to me, were a great solace and great comfort. – Ken Wahl
Bill Richardson I’d like to see that bipartisanship come back that we used to have in the House of Representatives, in the Clinton years. I think there’s a possibility that the voters are going to send the message that everybody running – Congress, the Senate, the presidency – that they want us to come together. – Bill Richardson
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