Jon Taffer People see themselves on camera. They’re ashamed of the things that they do, so they have a choice: Either they accept responsibility for it, or they blame the show for it. It’s a human reaction. – Jon Taffer Accept Quotes Ashamed Quotes Blame Quotes Camera Quotes Choice Quotes Human Quotes People Quotes Reaction Quotes Responsibility Quotes I’m a businessman, not a bartender. When I meet with people who are ineffective managers with failing businesses, I can’t change what they do – I have to change the way they think.
Antonio Perez Xerox did OK in moving to digital in the commercial space. They didn’t do well in the consumer market, but they’re not a consumer brand. They don’t even know how to spell consumer. – Antonio Perez
Brian Stelfreeze Writing comics and drawing comics is a really very specific art form. It’s a lot easier to get it wrong than it is to get it right. – Brian Stelfreeze
Rose Schneiderman Of course, we knew that this meant an attack on the union. The bosses intended gradually to get rid of us, employing in our place child labor and raw immigrant girls who would work for next to nothing. – Rose Schneiderman
John F Kerry The Paris Agreement’s going to continue without the United States of America. – John F Kerry
Bill Buford Giada De Laurentiis, of ‘Everyday Italian,’ is not a chef, although she has culinary expertise – she was trained at the Cordon Bleu and worked as a private cook for a wealthy Los Angeles family. – Bill Buford
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