Ezra Klein People set newspapers on fire; they use them for wrapping fish. The Internet does not have that property. What I don’t think we’ve gotten is that you can make things last longer than in print. – Ezra Klein Fish Quotes Internet Quotes Newspapers Quotes People Quotes Print Quotes Property Quotes Set Quotes Wrapping Quotes When you’re trying to come up with a good approach to reporting on the bleeding edge of where the conversation’s moving, you’re just leaving a lot of people who aren’t on the bleeding edge of that conversation out.
Joseph Stiglitz The extra curricular activity in which I was most engaged – debating – helped shape my interests in public policy. – Joseph Stiglitz
Mark Henry Leo Burke was an unbelievable trainer. Him and Tom Prichard. Tom Prichard was not a big guy. And I learned a lot from him. – Mark Henry
DatingNicolle Wallace If you’re dating the quarterback and then you go out with the hockey player, you just go to the hockey games. I don’t think I’ll still go to the football games. – Nicolle Wallace
Slash You know, when you really connect with the instrument and everything just comes out on an emotional level very naturally through your playing. That’s, you know, a great night. And I think the reason I love touring so much is you’re chasing that high around all the time, trying to have another good night. – Slash
Katie Pavlich Democrats didn’t just lose the 2016 presidential election, they lost seats across the country at every level of government under Obama’s tenure in the White House. – Katie Pavlich
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