Eric D Thomas People talk about how great this country is – and it’s a great country – but I feel that many young people don’t believe they have access to the American dream. – Eric D Thomas Access Quotes American Quotes Country Quotes Dream Quotes Feel Quotes People Quotes Talk Quotes Most kids just follow the cycle. My grandfather didn’t finish high school. My father didn’t, and I didn’t. But you can break the cycle. You can have a successful marriage and be a good father. Average people get to school late; they’re average. They barely do their school work.
Michael Seibel After reading the Elon Musk book and getting a Tesla – he is at the top of my list of inspiring founders. – Michael Seibel
CarSebastian Vettel When you walk the track and you see a corner and realise you were going round it at 160mph, you wonder who could be so stupid to take a corner at that speed. But in the car, you don’t even think about that. – Sebastian Vettel
Cheryl Hayashi To borrow from the writings of a spider named Charlotte: ‘Silk is terrific!’ – Cheryl Hayashi
DatingWhitney Cummings I’m the one who’s dating the craft-service guy instead of the producer. Plus, if a producer is going to date a hot young thing, I’m probably not the first person on their list – the weird, quirky, funny girl. – Whitney Cummings
Sebastian Giovinco Off the pitch, I’m a little bit reserved, but I’m always smiling. – Sebastian Giovinco
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